About us

We are thankful to work alongside our small winged friends.

Bee Keepers viewing honeycombs

Our Vision

We believe that all things are connected. We should all take responsibility to ensure that our planet and all in it survives & thrives.

Our founder & beekeeping expert, Inge Lotter.

Inge is an entrepreneur and owner of The Beeger Picture with an apiary of 500 hives where she works as a beekeeper, bee removal expert and consultant.

She further does hive management for a further approximately 600 hives owned by farmers. She has eight years hands-on experience as a beekeeper. She has extensive experience in skills development in several fields.

Inge Lotter Self Portrait

National Treasury Central Suppliers Data Database

Registered at National Treasury Central Suppliers Data Database(CSD) no: MAAA0529470

Our beekeeping courses

Our beekeeping course has to date been attended by at least 420 private individuals and 180 rural beekeeping project participants in several projects throughout Mpumalanga and KwaZulu Natal.

Private participants
Rural participants

Interested in our course?